Friday, March 26, 2010

'nuff said...

Don't ask!

Good Hur

Photo Shoot Ideas

I was talking to Christopher about doing a photo shoot in Copenhagen, just for fun of course. This would be an awesome concept. Nudity is the direction I am heading it. Mostly because I need to loosen the fug up, and embrace my body and all its flaws. Thoughts?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Offensive Armenians

Last night, the bar owner asked me my ethnicity, after asserting that he was surprised I didn't have big lips like an "African"...

When I told him my fam was from P-town he went on to say "oh yea?, cause I was thinking that you have like a white girl's face with black skin"...


Last Night

last night was very interesting and confusing. i did some new things, well, one new thing stands out. I only told two peripheral-male friends about it. I think I am going to keep it a secret. I told myself that if any of my girl friends answered their phones today, I would tell them everything. But since no one felt compelled. The secret will die with me and my two quasi-friends.

It is driving me crazy though.

Maybe you will be able to derive a hint from this series of photos...but most likely not.

Buena suerte!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Today's Photo Finds.

me likes.


I guess I would choose "Good Looking" and "Intelligent", I can use my intelligence to research self-induced "Emotional Stability", no?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This has been a really tough week.

I Put A Spell On You...

...But you're still not mine.
Do spells work? if so, where might one get the tools to perform one?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Approching the one month mark...

The last time I had sex. Feb 15. 2010

Agenda for Tonight's Partay

Unless your celibate...

um hi, yes, I'll take two.

ugliest shirt ever.

Forever 21 strikes again. I was just putzing around on their website when I saw this blouse. I remembered seeing something like it before on Sex & the City. It was when Aiden was moving in and they were consolidating her closet...

Speaking of STC, I saw Carrie's best gay friend Stanford Blatch on Ventura today. He was in a Prius. I hope his gas peddle doesn't get stuck.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TA - Tattooed Annoymous

I am in the market for a new tattoo. No really because I need one, or should have one. But just because it seems like about that time. Here are two tattoos I thought of getting last year, but talked myself out of.

I always dreamed of dating a man covered in tattoos. Full sleeves and/or a chest piece would suffice. I guess since I am at a loss for a man who fits any of my lesser and more basic criteria...much less my tattoo wishes.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bestie from the Midwestie

Just because...
Even though she never calls me back, and rarely answers her phone after 5pm. My SEXESHEHAN is my boo. She gets it. Always has, always will.

love u baby mama

Cyber Stalking

I deleted Oliver from my facebook, so that I would stop cyber stalking as often. Well, it worked for a while, then I realized how many other "stalkable" online venues are available. None the less, I have weened myself somewhat. That is, until today, on the line with Cassandra she casually mentioned "Oliver has been tagged in a bunch of pictures with some TRAMP!" I quickly informed her that I had deleted him and instructed her to copy the images and email them to me.

She was in the process of amending a paper, so said it would take some time. As the moments passed I became increasingly anxious and consumed with the thought that he had beat me to a permanent rebound. As I waited, frantically refreshing my gmail inbox it came to me...I could just log in as Cassandra! DUH!

So I became Cassie and took a look. After ten seconds of hyperventilation while scrutinizing every image, I realized the girl was most likely the best friend of his niece who was visiting from France. The girls cumulative age was probably 30, and the one who had taken ALL those photos with & of Oliver must have just been a young girl with a crush...

Having rationalized the sitch I should have been able to move on. But that vindictive beast from the bottom of my black heart resurfaced. Still logged in as Cassandra I went to my own facebook page and left an entry that basically congratulated me on being so cool...I'm not proud, just resourceful.

I don't understand why I felt the need to do it. Oliver can't even see my it must have been for me, right? ugh...the saga continues.

every day is a struggle.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Old friends

Atilla and I last year in front of Essex House. They serve unlimited alcohol. Nuff said...





For Sale!

Brooklyn Flea




I am on the hunt for a good pair of glasses for my euro tour. As I delve deep into my soul, hoping it will speak to me about where to find the perfect pair, I realize how prevalent glasses are in my everyday life. Here a few faves.

Celibacy aka The Death of Marat

Jean-Paul Marat (May 24, 1743 – July 13, 1793), was a Swiss-born French physician, philosopher, political theorist and scientist best known as a radical journalist and politician from the French Revolution. He was murdered in his bath by Charlotte Corday who sought to stop his dangerous influence on French revolutionaries.

The reason he is mentioned in this post is his affinity for cold baths:

Marat often sought the comfort of a cold bath to ease violent itchings due to a skin disease long said to have been contracted years earlier, when he was forced to hide from his enemies in the Paris sewers.

Today is my first day of complete celibacy. Apparently this means not only no sex, but no masturbation and freedom of sexual thoughts...

I will be taking lots of cold baths.

Bestie Boo Brains

I have a new bestie boo brains.
Her name is Heather.
We are in <3.
I feel this picture sums it up.

Blakroc is Rocking My Blac Face Off!

If you haven’t heard of BlakRoc, it is time you have. BlakRoc is a collaboration between The Black Keys and Damon Dash(Jay-Z, Roc-A-Fella record). It is an independent project meaning no major label. The album features Mos Def, Q-Tip, Raekwon, RZA, Jim Jones, Billy Danze of MOP, Pharoahe Monch, and others. The album was released on Black Friday (some clever marketing). The website for BlakRoc showcases videos from the recording process, and even a limited BlacRoc Camaro that you can buy. The whole album was created in 11 days from start to finish

Vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas

In the arts, vanitas is a type of symbolic work of art especially associated with Northern European still life painting in Flanders and the Netherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, though also common in other places and periods. The word is Latin, meaning "emptiness" and loosely translated corresponds to the meaninglessness of earthly life and the transient nature of vanity.

Common vanitas symbols include skulls, which are a reminder of the certainty of death; rotten fruit, which symbolizes decay like aging; bubbles, which symbolize the brevity of life and suddenness of death; smoke, watches, and hourglasses, which symbolize the brevity of life; and musical instruments, which symbolize brevity and the ephemeral nature of life.

...and then there was this

This tattoo is amazingness. Geeze, I am sure it was not pleasant to have done, but it sure is a stunner!

This guy read my mind


My daily 'fro-spiration